Scholarship Ready
Believe. Achieve.
First class specialists in Academic and Music Scholarship advice and preparation for UK Senior Schools.
Explore the website or get in touch to find out more.
Trusted by scholarship candidates worldwide
Welcome to Scholarship Ready
Dr Charlotte Exon, Founder of Scholarship Ready
Believe. Achieve.
Get Scholarship Ready.
Expert Scholarship Advice
We provide advice, tools and preparation to approach scholarship assessments with belief and confidence.
Academic Scholarships
Music Scholarships
For talented musicians with a flair and enthusiasm for music.
Including choral and organ scholarships, music exhibitions and other awards.
For children with high academic attainment and intellectual curiosity.
Usually offered at 11+, 13+ and 16+ (12+ at some schools).
Multiple or Combined Scholarships
For students who excel in both academia and music and applying for both scholarships at the same and/or different schools.
Many schools offer scholarships for students who excel across multiple fields (sometimes known as an All Rounder Scholarship or Head's Award).
Reach out with confidence
Expert Advice
All of our advisers have over 20 years first-hand insider experience of scholarship selection in UK Independent Schools.
"Charlotte Exon is quite extraordinary! Her ability to nurture and challenge young scholars worldwide to achieve their very best is both remarkable and heartening.
Charlotte has that enviable mix of high levels of personal achievement, extensive experience of the scholarship process and a desire for all young people in her care to flourish."
Alun Jones
Former Head of Chetham's School of Music, former GSA President
‘With her enthusiasm, her kindness and empathy along with her gifts as a communicator, Charlotte really enables students to shine. She is a born teacher.’
Bob Chilcott
British Composer
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"Student wellbeing is at the heart of our work."
"We understand the intricate blend of academic, musical and pastoral needs on the scholarship preparation journey."
Dr Charlotte Exon
Founder of Scholarship Ready
"Being awarded a scholarship is life-changing."
"It's a golden gateway to wider opportunities."
Dr Charlotte Exon
Founder of Scholarship Ready
Scholarship Preparation for All
Tailored professional approach for all learning needs with experienced professionals.
Understanding and supporting individual learning and differences and needs.
Providing individual support to manage anxiety in the scholarship process.
Experienced professionals understanding individual students and managing their needs.
Believe and be confident.
Achieve and be extraordinary
"Dr Exon is effortlessly inspirational!"
Now at University of Cambridge, studying linguistics
Former Scholar at a UK School
Dr Exon's ability to see the strengths and potential of each individual and get the best out of them is inspiring!
Now a Choral Scholar at University of Oxford, studying music
Former Scholar at a UK School
Believe. Achieve.
Get Scholarship Ready.
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For Senior Schools
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Based in Berkshire, UK.